PwrHrs Afterschool

Grades K-5

YouthPower365’s PwrHrs Afterschool program improves students’ achievement, education and school engagement through extended learning and enrichment opportunities.

PwrHrs Afterschool is a research- and evidence-based program that expands learning opportunities and accelerates students’ growth. Our intentional programming provides critical trusted adult relationships for young people and includes:

  • Hands-on, project-based learning
  • Academic enrichment and support
  • Service learning, outdoor adventure, and community projects
  • Social-emotional wellness activities


Programs start September 24.


There is a small fee associated with our programs. Fee reductions are available! Please contact your school’s YouthPower365 Coordinator if you need financial assistance. We will work with each family individually so their children can participate in our programming.

Yes, we have a secure online platform. We will not report your personally identifiable information to anyone outside of YouthPower365.

Elementary School Programs

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